Understanding Nanomedicine:  An Introductory Textbook
By Rob Burgess, PhD
Copyright 2011. Pan Stanford Publishing.  All Rights Reserved.
This website is dedicated to the book "Understanding Nanomedicine:  An Introductory Textbook" and all things nanomedicine.  Its purpose is to provide an overview of the book's contents but also a comprehensive source for information related to nanotechnology's impact on human health and wellness through advancements in medicine.

Released June 18th, 2012

Order it Now from CRC Press!

  • First book of its kind for addressing medical applications of nanotechnologies at the introductory through advanced levels
  • Covers the history and evolution of nanotechnology-based diagnostics and therapeutics with an introduction on the origins of nanotechnology
  • Over 350 pages comprehensively developed to detail all major efforts in medical nanotechnology research and development including devices and diagnostics
  • Highlights cutting-edge research in the field by describing in detail key publications in the text as well as separate case studies
  • Complete with a glossary of over 380 terms and definitions related to nanomedicine
  • Includes comprehensive review question section at the end of every chapter
  • Fully cited publication references of all research and articles described
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