Rob Burgess is a scientist, entrepreneur, businessman,
and author who switched scientific disciplines in 2006 at the age of 38
to take a chance on nanotechnology. It changed his life forever. He has
held numerous academic and industry-related positions, including
research fellow at the University of California, San Diego; founding
scientist at Lexicon Genetics Incorporated; founder and president at
Genome Biosciences Incorporated; vice president, research and
development, at Zyvex Corporation; and vice president, business
development, at Stem Cell Sciences, LLC. He is currently Chief Business Officer at Sino Biological, Inc. and an
adjunct professor in the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at the
University of Texas, Dallas. He holds a bachelor of arts in
biochemistry from the University of Texas, Austin, and a Ph.D. in
molecular biology from the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer
Center, Houston.